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Fencer Bio


Current Rating: A

Junior USA Fencing Current Rank (October 2021): 14

Senior USA Fencing Current Rank (October 2021): 20

Cadet USA Fencing Rank (June 2021): 9

Cadet Euro Fencing Current Rank (2020): 97 (7 out of US Cadets)

2019-2020 Season Overall Win %: 72.9%

2019-2020 Season Priority Win %: 75%

The priority bouts:

Win (10/20/19): Zuhars (USA)

Win (10/20/19): Pyo (USA, UPenn)

Win (11/8/19) : Rausch (USA, Princeton)

Win (11/16/19): Tan (SGP)

Win (11/16/19 ): Palomba (ITA)

Loss (12/7/19): Ratzlaff (USA)

Win (12/7/19): Myers (USA, Penn State)

Win (12/7/19): Martinez Hansen (VEN, but placed top 16 in US December NAC)

Win (1/4/20): Candreva (USA, Harvard)

Win (1/4/20): Rausch (USA, Princeton)

Loss (1/5/20): Khamis (USA)

Win (1/5/20): Nixon (USA, Columbia)

Win (1/10/20): Doquet (FRA)

Win (1/10/20): Palk (EST)

Loss (2/15/20): Yamanaka (USA, Columbia)

Loss (2/17/20): Wong (USA)


2020 Junior Olympic Championships, Cadet

Fencing Achievements

2020-2021 Season - Junior Year

USA Fencing High School All-American First Team

USA Fencing High School All-Academic First Team


2019-2020 Season - Sophomore Year

USA Fencing High School All-American First Team

USA Fencing High School All-Academic First Team


2018-2019 Season - Freshman Year

USA Fencing High School All-American First Team

USA Fencing High School All-Academic First Team





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9x NAC/National Medalist

Fenced on the 2020 International Cadet Circuit

Qualified to fence on the 2019 International Cadet Circuit

2019 High School All-Academic and All-American First Team

Top Results - National (Chronological)

2021 season

3rd place - July Challenge, Junior Team

Top 16 (15th place) -  National Championships, JO Championships & July Challenge, Division 1

Top 16 (16th place) - National Championships, JO Championships & July Challenge, Cadets

Top 32 (27th place) - June NAC, Juniors

Top 16 (14th place) - May NAC, Division 1


2019-2020 season

Top 8 (8th place) - Junior Olympic Championships, Cadets

Top 8 (5th place) - Junior Olympic Championships, Junior Team

Top 16 (14th place) - Bratislava Coupe du Danube (USA designated international event), Cadets

Top 16 (15th place) - January NAC, Juniors

Top 64 (35th place) - January NAC, Division I

Top 32 (19th place) - December NAC, Division I

Top 64 (39th place) - Grenoble USA designated international event, Cadets

Top 16 (14th place) - Grenoble USA designated international event, Cadet Team

Top 32 (25th place) - November NAC, Juniors

Top 64 (58th place) - Budapest USA designated international event, Cadets



2019 Junior Olympic Championships, Junior Team

2018-2019 season

Top 8 (7th place) - National Championships, Y14

Top 32 (22nd place) - July Challenge, Cadets

Top 8 (6th place) - March NAC, Y14

Top 8 (7th place) - Junior Olympic Championships, Cadets

2nd place - Junior Olympic Championships, Junior Team

Top 32 (29th place) - January NAC, Division I

Top 16 (11th place) - November NAC, Y14

Top 32 (28th place) - November NAC, Cadets

End rating/ranking: A19/12 (Y14), 19 (Cadet), 56 (Junior), 78 (Senior)

2017-2018 season

Top 32 (26th place) - National Championships, Y14

2nd place - March NAC, Y14 Team

End rating/ranking: C17/36 (Y14), 46 (Cadet), 102 (Junior)

2016-2017 season

2nd place - National Championships, Y12

Top 16 (14th place) - National Championships, Y14

Top 32 (26th place) - March NAC, Y12

End rating/ranking: D17/5 (Y12), 39 (Y14)

2020 January NAC, Juniors (Top 16)

Top Results - Regional

2021 season

1st place - May FCC ROC & RJCC, Div 1A

1st place - May FCC ROC & RJCC, Junior


2019-2020 season

1st place - November Windy City SYC/RCC, Cadet

1st place - September Windy City RJCC & RYC, Cadet


2018-2019 season

1st place - December Windy City SYC and Cadets, Cadet

1st place - September Fencing Center of Chicago ROC & RJCC, Div 1A

1st place - September Fencing Center of Chicago ROC & RJCC, Junior

1st place - September Windy City RJCC & RYC, Junior

1st place - September Windy City RJCC & RYC, Cadet


2015 Windy City SYC, Y10

Weekly Training Regimen

Total: 24 hours of practice


Fencing: 16 hours total

Sparring: 6 hours

One-on-one lessons with coach: 2 hours

Footwork: 3 hours

Wall touches/drills: 2 hours

Cardio/conditioning/stretching: 2 hours

Mental training and video analysis: 1-2 hours


Cross country/track: 8 hours total

Runs (long runs, easy runs, hard runs): 2-3 hours (18-25 miles)

Running workouts/time trials: 1 hour (5-7 miles)

Weight and strength training: 1.5-2 hours

Core strength: 2 hours

Stretching/drills: 1 hour




Summer Training

Taking lesson from coach Tsanko Hantov
Practicing now: fencing my brother on our driveway strip


1 week Alliance Mega Epee Camp, Houston, TX.

1.5 weeks cross country summer training, Chicago, IL.



1 week Alliance Mega Epee Camp, Houston, TX.

1.5 weeks NYFA International Summer Epee Fencing Camp, Pennsburg, PA.

1 week Columbia Lions Epee Camp, New York, NY.

1.5 weeks cross country summer training, Chicago, IL.



1 week Alliance Mega Epee Camp, Houston, TX.

1.5 weeks NYFA International Summer Epee Fencing Camp, Pennsburg, PA.

1 week cross country summer training, Chicago, IL.


More about my fencing

Starting Out

I started fencing at age eight, and I was instantly hooked. I went to my first SYC in January of 2015 at age ten, and I placed 6th in Y10. I kept practicing and improving, and went to my first NAC a few months later. I medaled by placing 7th in Y10. Ever since then, I have been motivated to improve my results and continue fencing and learning at the highest level possible. 

Team Fencing

I continued fencing in national tournaments, and I started fencing in team events at the end of middle school. I fence in team events because they are intense, fun, and exciting. I have fenced three team events at the national level, two at the international level, and numerous at the local level. In my most recent team event, despite being one of the younger team members, I was selected to be the team's anchor. My coach and teammates agreed I should anchor because of my speed, composure, strong defense, and ability to gain a large number of points in a short period of time. 


From the international team events, I learned more about my own strengths and weaknesses and how to be a better teammate. I also made wonderful friends and memories.

International Fencing

I am so grateful I had the chance to fence on the international circuit. Fencing at the highest level tested my skills, and fencing girls from other countries taught me new strategies. My international fencing this past year culminated in the January Coupe du Danube, where I finished 14th out of over 320 fencers. 

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